CAMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey again 7DM!!! Can you believe it's only 2 sleeps till camp? Well I can't! My day group is: Fahizah, me, Geoffrey and Jack. My night/dorm group is Maddie S, Grace W, Katie, me and Fahizah!!! I'm probably going to sleep in the lounge anyway because I s n o r e ....not sure how loud at this point in time, but let's just say we'll try the first night and see how it goes. Lucky Fahizah.....She got me for everything! Also VERY lucky Mrs Melville....! Anyways, if any of you guys know what day we are having adrenalin forest PLEASE comment what day it is down below! Have a great weekend packing! Here is your daily quiz: remember this code in 30 secs and you have VERY good memory! So here it is: 1172196967s ...